Seeds of FreedomBy Tammy Townsend Denny, TI Executive Director For Lent, I am reading Thomas Merton’s New Seeds of Contemplation. Admittedly, my previous attempts to read Merton have left me feeling rather dumb. His words confused me. His sentence structures baffled me. I would read the same paragraph a few times and have no idea what he was trying to say. It wasn’t time to read Merton, but now it is. Only 20 pages into New Seeds of Contemplation, these words from Merton jumped off the page at me: “For how can I receive the seeds of freedom if I am in love with slavery and how can I cherish the desire of God if I am filled with another and an opposite desire?” Maybe the words spoke to me because my husband and I are contemplating a kitchen remodel. Though, I am guessing that home improvement projects are probably not what Merton had in mind when he wrote about “seeds of freedom” and cherishing “the desire of God.” But it is what is on my mind. Tension is a bit high these days as my husband and I talk about remodeling. I dream of tearing out walls and expanding the kitchen. My husband is significantly more frugal and analytical in his approach. I find myself longing for the kitchen I had before I met him. In this kitchen of the past, I could slice and dice and sauté and sauce in a space constructed to fit my every move: double ovens, expansive cooktop, sprawling granite counter space. It fit and flowed like a custom-fitted ballgown. I admit I am enslaved to the kitchen I once had in a life that is no longer mine. I am in love with the idea of that past kitchen. It has become what I cherish and desire. But Merton’s words have made me pause and realize that when I idolize what was, I close the door to the seeds of freedom God offers me. This Lent, I am going to work on giving up my enslavement to what was so that I can be open to a new experience of what is. As we enter Lent, what is God asking you to set aside so that you can experience the seeds of freedom?
Invitation to pray for LeadershipThe TI board would like to take a minute to say thank you to all Theresians who are currently serving in leadership positions and to those who have served in the past. Because of your leadership, Theresians have had over 60 years of women supporting women reaching out with gospel values, enriching each other and our communities in many different ways. We would like all Theresians to think about what talents they may have that they could share with our wider Theresian community. Could we serve in a leadership position in our own community, District Leadership Team (DLT), National Leadership Team (NLT), Theresians International (TI) Board, or the Theresian Foundation (TF) Board? We know that over the years, many of us have struggled to take on or to call forth others to leadership in Theresians. The TI Board feels we need the intercession of St. Therese, Sr. Pat Burke and our Blessed Mother to continue to inspire leaders to rise up from our membership. With this thought in mind the Board asks you to pray the Prayer for Leadership monthly at your community meetings, or daily on your own, so that we may grow leadership from within and continue our beloved and successful organization of women supporting women reaching out with gospel values. Please print the prayer attached to this email and share it with your community. Theresians International Board of Directors Cheryl Billmyer, President, Dubuque, Iowa, USA Claire Mueller, 1st Vice President, Houston, Texas, USA Mildred Catajay, 2nd Vice President, Manila, Philippines Cindy Fontenot, Secretary, Youngsville, Louisiana, USA Trudy Blevins, Treasurer, Parker, Colorado, USA Camila Nowakowski, 1st Member at Large, Toronto, Canada Rosemary Sackey, 2nd Member at Large, Accra, Ghana Augustina Annorhene, Kumasi, Ghana Connie Welp, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA Sheryl Lyons, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Honoring Day 1 CommunityBy Tammy Townsend Denny, TI Executive Director Day 1 Community, Houston, Texas was honored at the Houston Day of Prayer on January 28. This community was chartered on November 4, 1965 by our founder Msgr. Elwood Voss as the 56th Theresian community. They are among the few remaining communities from the early days of Theresians. Mary Clare Albrecht is the only remaining original member of the community. I would like to share with you a short video that was created to honor Day 1. As you watch the video, think about who were among the original Theresians in your region, district, or community? Do you know their stories? If you are interested in creating a recorded history of Theresians in your area, please let the TI office know. We would be happy to work with you on simply ways to preserve our legacy. |
November 2024
Theresians International
PO Box 487 | Elburn, IL 60119 |