Theresians, to me, means sisterhood. There’s a solidarity that’s undefinable and limitless in its capacity for love and support. What wouldn’t you do for your very own sister? From within our own communities sisterhood can expand through relationships with Theresians from all over the world because we have the history of Theresians in common--an instant connection to someone who in one breath is a complete stranger who is also part of a larger sisterhood just waiting to be found. Theresians means spiritual growth. It is womanhood, it is life, it is joy.
~Anita, Roses on the Teche Community, Lafayette, LA, |
What is Theresians for me? It’s so many things on so many levels. It’s a place of safety and security for me. It’s a place of knowing I can come in all my rawness and be so accepted. It’s a place of grounding where I am reminded the importance of community. It has become a foundation of faith for me where I am acknowledged, appreciated, understood, encouraged, strengthened, renewed, rejuvenated, and inspired.
My Theresian community means so much to me. These sisters have seen me at my best and my worst. They have supported me in a way my “community” outside of Theresians could not. These precious women have helped me balance my spiritual life in aspects of my mental, physical, and emotional life. They truly SEE me and they allow themselves to be seen. They are open, honest, tender, sensitive, strong, passionate, revealing, connecting, and embracing. We have been through the gamut together. We have suffered. We have rejoiced. We have fallen. We have conquered. We have agonized. We have triumphed. But most of all, WE HAVE LOVED. We have become a holy family, if you will…each of us representing different roles at different times. We have mothered as Mary. We have fathered as Joseph. We have suffered as Jesus. We have loved one another as God loves us. Without these incredible women in my life for the past 13 years, I would not have been as connected to my faith. There is no doubt in my mind. I cannot express my love, admiration, and appreciation for these women enough. I am forever grateful. ~Emily, Little Theresians, Abbeville, LA |
I believe it was not luck that brought me to Theresians, but rather it was my relationship with friends who were Theresians, and seeing they had something in their lives that I was missing. Now I feel it as a true privilege to be part of this beautiful, global group of women, who really are connected to each other, through prayers, their care, support and love of each other, and their willingness to grow together in their faith in a very special way.
~Sharon, Rosewood Community, Scottsdale, AZ |
I have been a member of the Theresians International (TI) since 1999 and 21 years down the line, I will testify that I have never experienced such a deep desire of commitment to any other association or group that I have joined. I have felt an extraordinary allegiance to this spiritual ministry for women!
It’s been a wonderful, fulfilling and inspirational journey communing, praying, working, and sharing both joyous and sorrowful moments with my Theresian sisters both locally and globally. My professional schedule as an attorney, CEO, board chair and member of several public and private boards and a mother and homemaker, have made me practically unavailable to duty anywhere else. Yet through it all and by God’s continued Grace and blessing, I have felt and had this deep desire and dedication to Theresian International. It has been a joy to serve my Theresian sisters in Ghana and beyond by allotting time and energy to fulfill all that has been asked of me as a Theresian. My time serving on the TI board of directors opened my eyes to the greater depth of this ministry. This time in leadership with Theresians from around the world has encouraged me to take up initiatives to do more for the growth of TI and my own Theresian family in Accra, Ghana. Theresians International has become part of my DNA and I will always avow this ministry for women to the WORLD!! ~Elizabeth B. Our Lady of Mercy Community, Accra, Ghana |
Through Theresians International I have experienced a world-wide sisterhood, an awareness of local and global social justice issues, and a support community for myself and my family. Attending national and international conferences plus email has strengthened relationships with women in far corners of the world. The education and mission dimensions of Theresians have broadened my compassion and participation in women’s issues here and abroad. Accepting leadership positions has helped me to develop skills and confidence. I know in times of joy or challenge that my sisters around the world will be praying with and for me, my family, and my community. Theresian communities are truly a blessing.
~Rosemary S., Women of the Spirit Community, AZ |
Sometimes when I am telling someone that I am a Theresian, I am met with blank stares. "What's a Theresian?" I am asked. And thus ensues the fumbling with words on my part in trying to describe the Theresian organization. I can quote the Theresian motto. . . Women in Support of Women. . . but I always feel the inadequacy of my explanation. Theresians is so much more to me than just a cliché of words. Yet, how do I explain the sense of sisterhood that comes from belonging to a worldwide community of women who emulate my same values regardless of race or culture? How do I express the joyfulness that results from praying and sharing with a group of women who help deepen my own faith life? How do I put into words the sense of comfort I have in knowing that I am blessed with lifelong companions who shelter me in the needy times and rejoice with me in life's celebrations! Yes, it is difficult to describe this beautiful kaleidoscope of Theresian women with black and white statements. Perhaps because, for me, Theresians is a language of my heart and not of my head.
~Sandy S., Reflections Community, Fort Bend, TX |
I am a Theresian through and through and will remain one into the next life. Why? The Five Dimensions speak to my soul and help me to live my life fully and in balance. But most importantly, my sister Theresians and I have shared intimacies that many long for and never attain. We have laughed, cried, disagreed, moved into consensus, and shared our joys and sorrows. We love one another despite our different personalities and different views. Through our varied life’s challenges, positive and negative, we have grown closer to one another and to our Lord.
On a personal note, my Theresian sisters were there for me and my loving husband through his cancer and my two back-to-back rotator cuff surgeries, which occurred at the same time. I received meals, housework, rides to therapy, massages, ironing, baths, etc. when I couldn’t do anything for myself and my husband was too sick to help. Their prayer and physical support throughout this dark period in my life was vital. While in prayer one day, I received an image that describes it: their prayers and works of mercy for my husband and me were like the webbing in a hammock that supports a person. As anyone who has used a hammock has learned, the only way to relax in a hammock is by “letting go” in it. We were able to let go of our concerns through the wonderful support of our sister Theresians and our family and friends. I am blessed to be a Theresian! ~Denise D., SISTERS Community, Lake Charles, LA |
When I first joined the Theresians I didn’t know what I was getting into. The Theresian who welcomed me obviously had big plans for my involvement with the local community. She did not waste any time explaining what she wanted me to help her do. The next month she appointed me as the president of the Theresians in Blessed Trinity Parish in Toronto and mentored me along the way. That’s my introduction to the wonderful world of the Theresians. After twenty plus years, here I am a happy member of Theresians International living according to the Five Dimensions: Spirituality, Vocation, Education, Community and Ministry to grow in Gospel values. I now serve on the international board of directors, which allows me to be in touch with our lovely members round the world.
Through the years being a Theresian has given me the opportunity to meet the most amazing and admirable women both here in Canada and during the Theresian conferences and board meetings I have attended in Houston, Lafayette, LA, Bangkok, Thailand, Tagaytay, Philippines, Charleston, SC, New Orleans, LA and Springfield, IL. Unfortunately, due to health issues, I missed other meetings and conferences in the USA, Brazil, Australia, and Ghana. We have had wonderful moments in our meetings with speakers who inspired us, outreach programs for the less fortunate women, fundraisers and other fun events. However, we also had experienced sad circumstances from where we learned and grew stronger as a group and for me as a leader. Because our community is older we have had sad experiences of losing some of our original members from the 1970’s. They were women of great character and spirit and they loved being connected with Theresians worldwide. We work continuously to start new communities in the Toronto area with women who will embrace the Five Dimensions. I have been blessed with my husband, Jan who supports and actively participates in my involvement with the Theresians and our Parish, 100 per cent. I am grateful to our Patroness, St. Therese of the Child Jesus for her intercession. God has been good to me. ~Camila N., Blessed Trinity Community, Toronto, Canada |
It began with a call. "Come and see," God invited.
I heard God calling me to Theresians. I was a bit surprised. I had what I considered a rich spiritual life. I felt satisfied, content with my life in general. My comfort zone was complete. So, why this call? Why now? What more could I need or want? Wondering what this group could add to what seemed like an already-full life, I responded "Yes" . . . but slowly and cautiously. And now I wonder why my hesitancy. God loves us so much. He knows what we want. More than that, He knows what we need, and He offers us everything that we need. We grow to become the person He created us to be when we are vulnerable, when we realize our dependence, when we trust in Him and follow where He calls. Our patroness, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, inspires me in this childlike trust. Founded in the Catholic tradition, Theresians is a worldwide COMMUNITY of small communities of Christian women who encourage and challenge each other to make spiritual development a priority. Gathering monthly, we nourish and sustain each other on our faith journeys. As our motto states, we are "women in support of women . . . reaching out with Gospel values." The Five Dimensions of Spirituality, Community, Vocation, Ministry, and Education are the heart of Theresians. These five characteristics were already each a meaningful, individual “slice” of my life. My participation in Theresians has synthesized these into a coherent whole. Spiritually, my dependence is maturing. My community of dedicated, faith-filled, compassionate, prayerful women is my accountability network from easiest to most trying times. Vocation enhances living out my baptismal call to holiness. Ministry strengthens my global focus. Education nurtures wide-ranging ways to authentically exercise my beliefs. Through Theresians, I stepped out of my comfort zone. I allowed vulnerability to surface. I embraced a broader, deeper accountability. I have grown closer to God. It begins with a call. If God is inviting you to Theresians, either directly or through others, "Come and see." I'm grateful I did. ~Kathy M., Simplicity Community, Round Rock, TX |
Theresians International
PO Box 487 | Elburn, IL 60119 |