Sunday Scripture: Reflection for July 28, 2024Scripture Reflection: July 28, 2024 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Kings 4:42-44 Ephesians 4:1-6 John 6:1-15 The Old Testament reading describes Elisha, through the power of God, feeding 100 people with twenty barley loaves, the food of the poor. John’s Gospel reading depicts Jesus’s multiplication of five loaves of bread (also barley) to feed 5,000 men as well as women and children. With both miracles, food was left over. Consider that sufficient food is a basic human need and that “Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them,” a foretelling of the Last Supper. As God provides spiritual sustenance through the Eucharist, we in the Body of Christ can provide earthly food to those in need. Food insecurity exists even in the U.S. where over 44 million people including 13 million children experience food insecurity annually. One way to fulfill the Theresian dimension of Ministry is to give to food banks. Our Esprit de L’Ame community responded to a 100-item Food Challenge - we collected 10 items each of ten different staples to donate to our local food bank. Perhaps other groups could consider accepting this call as well. St. Paul urges the Ephesians (and us) to “live in a manner worthy of the call you have received… bearing with one another through love.” Anne Broussard Esprit de L'Ame Community Lafayette, LA
Sunday Scripture: Reflection for July 21, 2024Scripture Reflection: July 21, 2024 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary time Jeremiah 23:1-6 Psalm 23:1-6 Ephesians 2:13-18 Mark 6:30-34 Jesus invites His disciples to “come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile.” Jesus knows we need quiet and rest, physically and spiritually, to better hear and see God’s movements in our lives. The invitation extends to us. Retreats are excellent for this. My closest encounters with Christ have been when I was on a retreat. But we may do well to have incorporated in our daily lives times of quiet and rest in order to be with God and become aware of His Presence. In this invitation Jesus is being the “Good Shepherd.” Shepherds, as we hear in Psalm 23, take great care of the sheep. Their sheep “want for nothing.” A good shepherd provides protection and sees to all the needs of the sheep. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He cares for His sheep and thinks only of them. Even when He needed rest with His disciples “He is moved with pity on the crowd” and shepherds them. Jesus is our Good Shepherd and will provide for us in our needs. So, let us take some time to rest in the Lord each day and allow Him to shepherd us. Loretta Ortego Flowers of the Prairie Community, Eunice, LA Sunday Scripture: Reflection for June 14, 2024Scripture Reflection: July 14, 2024 – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 6:7-13 Imagine you being one of Jesus’ disciples during biblical times. Then hearing Jesus give you clear instructions to go out on your first mission trip, with no food, no sack, no money?! Oh, but its okay to bring a walking stick and wear your sandals. I don’t know about you, but I don’t leave home without snacks and water in my vehicle. You never know when you might be stuck in a lengthy traffic jam. And I may not have money with me, but I can always rely on that credit card which is approved so fast it makes my head spin. I have always considered this passage as the “Go Forth” request. Jesus asks us to go forth, spread the good news, testify, evangelize. When we leave mass every Sunday, aren’t we supposed to go forth, live our lives as a good Christian, show others our love for Jesus, and let our actions demonstrate our beliefs? As we go forth, just like the disciples did, we may face a lack of welcome or reach out to others who will not listen. But this should not discourage our efforts. Discouragement will certainly not lead to success. Jesus stated to “leave and shake off the dust”. Go forth with determination; witness to the kingdom with your actions, your faith, and your message of the love that Jesus has for all those who follow him and truly believe. GO FORTH! Eileen Eskew Petals of Faith Community Jennings, LA DiscernmentBy Tammy Townsend Denny, TI Executive Director By now, you probably have heard that I will be leaving my position as executive director of TI on July 31 (if you haven’t received the news yet, please check your email for a letter that went out from our TI board of directors on June 28). I have accepted a new position as associate director of The Leadership Collaborative, an organization which fosters transformational leadership for Catholic sisters and their associates. This decision involved a lot of discernment, a word we hear frequently in Catholic circles. But what does it mean to discern? Discernment was not even in my vocabulary until I started working with Catholic sisters. Their influence taught me that to discern is to pause, pray, and listen for God’s guidance. My spiritual director helped me understand that to discern is to spend time with questions that may not have obvious answers. It is an invitation to delve more deeply into the divine mystery. And she recommended the book Decision Making & Spiritual Discernment: The Sacred Art of Finding Your Way, by Nancy L. Bieber. At Mass, the new pastor at our church talked about discernment by sharing his vocation story. His path to the priesthood began in earnest when he went to Adoration to discern his vocation and pray for God’s guidance. As he left Adoration, a woman stopped him and said, “I usually don’t do this, but I had a vision of you as a priest.” As I discerned my next steps, I also went to Adoration, praying for God’s guidance and listening in the silence. I was hoping a stranger would approach and share visions of my future, but the chapel was quiet, and the parking lot empty. Too often, I am guilty of praying as if God were a prayer-answering vending machine. Insert a Hail Mary here; get an answer there. It doesn’t work like that most of the time, at least for me. Yes, there are stories of immediate answers, like the priest’s vocation story. But many more times, there is silence. What do we do with the silence? I am reminded of a conversation Jan Richardson writes about in her book In the Sanctuary of Women. During a walk with her friend Brother David, a Franciscan friar, she asked him, “What’s discernment like for you?” Brother David shared with her a story of Saint Francis and Brother Masseo, who had come to a crossroads on their journey: “Not knowing which path to take, Saint Francis tells Brother Masseo to stand at the center of the crossroads and spin himself around. When Masseo finally falls down, Francis and his dizzy brother set off in the direction in which Masseo had landed.” Richardson goes on to explain that while the story “may strike us as silly,” it is a reminder “that on those occasions when there’s no one path that’s obviously the right one to take, it’s often better to set off in some direction if the alternative means staying stuck at the crossroads. God knows how to make use of any path.” As I discerned my path, I prayed. I journaled. I read. I talked with trusted advisers, both spiritual and professional. And I considered spinning around in circles like Brother Masseo. Ultimately, I trusted the call and path that led to a soul-warming calm. Change is disconcerting even with Spirit-led discernment. Please know that I am working with the TI Board of Directors to make this transition as smooth as possible. I am available even after July 31 to assist with questions. And be assured that the TI office is fully operational. We are here to support you! Sunday Scripture: Reflection for July 7, 2024Scripture Reflection: July 7, 2024 - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ezekiel 2:2-5 Ps 123:1-4 Corinthians 12:7-10 Mark 6:1-6 My daily morning prayer time is spent reflecting on the readings of the day, especially the Gospel. I try to walk away from my contemplative time with a word or phrase that will carry me through the day. As I reflected on these readings, the word that came to me was conviction. Ezekiel was strong in his conviction of hearing the word of God and having the strength and courage to stand up and walk into a “hard of face and obstinate of heart” people. Jesus walked into his hometown, with folks who wrestled with the mystery of who this home grounded boy became! Jesus too, was met with resistance and disbelief. His teachings and healing were not received well. Jesus’ call was to preach everywhere he went. Maybe he was convinced that a few people were open to hearing with their hearts and listened attentively. Maybe a few people encountered Mary’s Son who shared a touching message that transformed how they lived their daily lives. The question is how do I, you come to listen to the words of Scripture? How do the words transform you/me? Sister Ginny Heldorfer OSF Women at the Well Dubuque, IA A Divine EncounterBy Lisa Nicks, Night Luminaries, Lake Jackson, Texas On Sunday, June 2nd, my dad and I decided to drive over to Galveston, Texas to witness the pilgrimage procession. My dad is elderly and participating in the actual walking wasn't an option. We arrived and parked on the street a couple of blocks down from St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica. There was a police presence as Mass was being said by Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, at the time we arrived. Slowly the crowd gathered in the street as Mass ended. We decided to stand behind the car and waited for the procession to pass us by. Cardinal DiNardo was carrying the monstrance with a variety of clergy and uniformed protectors. I am not exactly sure who all the various gentlemen were surrounding the Cardinal and monstrance. Behind was a gathering of people walking quietly and at times gently singing songs. They sounded angelic to us. It is very hard to explain the delicateness of the sights and sounds of the procession. As we were taking it all in and I was photographing it all, a young Franciscan Brother who was part of the team traveling the whole distance with the Pilgrimage stepped out of the procession to speak to us. He noticed my dad's baseball cap with my dad's college alma mater on it that he had holding over his heart. It turned out the brother's grandfather also graduated from there, so we had a great discussion about that area and memories. As the brother was about to depart to rejoin the group, he reached into his garment and pulled out a commemorative Pilgrimage rosary and gave it to my dad and asked if he could pray with us. I said it was perfect timing because my dad would be spending the next day at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston for extensive testing because a new type of cancer had recently been diagnosed after being cured from Stage 4 cancer ten years ago. The brother said a beautiful prayer and asked that Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey, who has been beatified and has healing powers, would be with my dad. When the prayer was finished, I said "You're not going to believe this, but my dad has carried a relic card in his wallet from Fr. Solanus Casey since he was first diagnosed in 2013." As I was saying this, my dad opened his wallet and displayed the relic card. The brother was stunned, and he immediately pulled out his Fr. Solanus Casey’s relic card he carries. The three of us were speechless. The brother suggested that they switch cards and carry each other's card going forward which they did. The brother wrote down our names to pray for us and said he was so moved by the stories he was coming across on the Pilgrimage route. We continue to keep the brother in our prayers and honestly, I don't believe we will ever forget this special encounter. As my dad said, there are no coincidences. I could see the peace it brought over my dad as we made the trip to Houston the next day. It was an amazingly beautiful experience. |
November 2024
Theresians International
PO Box 487 | Elburn, IL 60119 |