Litany of Solidaity
In the dawn of a new day, we praise your glory in new sisters we greet In your powerful presence, in the gift of friendship, in living Thérèse’s simple way. Guide us, O God, to trust in your presence with us each day. May we follow your way in the company of your saints, especially St. Thérèse of Lisieux Prayer by Margaret Wheeler - Duende Community |
Today and every day, Theresian women stand in solidarity through prayer and action with women throughout the world.
We, as members of Theresians International, stand in solidarity with women who suffer in all parts of the world for all reasons. May the gentle hand of our loving God embrace the world and help all people to see the full value of half the human race. (Revised 5/12/2021vss) HISTORY OF THE THERESIANS LITANY OF SOLIDARITY The first draft of the A Theresian Litany of Solidarity with Women Around the World was inspired by Vicki Schmidt with Anne Murphy, AZ in 2011. They were driving from Springfield, IL to Dubuque, IA to attend the Annual Meeting of the USA NLT at Shalom Retreat Center and had been talking about preparing such a document to present to the USA NLT and so they started brainstorming ideas to include in the Litany. By the time they arrived in Dubuque, a solid list of 15 serious issues facing women around the world was penned. During the meeting it was fully written and presented to the USA NLT who encouraged its use among Theresian communities. It was then presented to the TI Board in the fall of 2011 and approved. Each year, Theresians around the world are called to pray for these women’s issues and to create educational programs to learn more about these issues. |
Theresians International
PO Box 487 | Elburn, IL 60119 |