![]() Sunday Scripture Reflection November 17, 2024: Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 13: 24-32 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with great power and glory. The beginning sentences of this scripture tend to make us feel tense and wary with so many references to darkness (i.e. the sun darkened; the moon not emitting light). It even goes on about the fig trees losing their leaves, which is another metaphor for the end. However, as we read, we begin to have hope. The remaining part of the scripture is reminding us of Jesus’ promise that he will return. This passage is especially meaningful because it is just before the last week of the liturgical year. And, so, to put these two pieces together – ‘the end’ and ‘Jesus’ return’, I think we are meant to reflect and apply this scripture to our lives. We will be wary of the darkness, but Jesus will return and this gives us hope. There are some days when you may feel everything in your life is falling apart. It feels dark. There are some days that we feel our world, as we once knew it, is coming to an end; that forces greater than us are against us. This is the situation that Mark is describing and we sometimes find ourselves in these situations in our life when we are in crisis or chaos. Our message from this scripture is: to create calm within this chaos, we must try to keep giving it over to God, and trusting him. Carol Landry Journey Theresians, Austin, TX
![]() Sunday Scripture Reflection: Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading I: 1 Kings 17: 10-16 Reading II: Hebrews 9: 24-28 Gospel: Mark 12: 38-44 Drought prevails in the first reading when Elijah visits the widow of Zarephath. God has ordered Elijah to seek out the widow and ask her for some nourishment. But because of the dire conditions this widow faces, she explains that she has nothing baked to offer. And she also has just a handful of flour and very little oil to prepare bread. With this small number of rations, she had planned on using as the last meal for her and son to eat before they died. What a sad situation……. but Elijah insists that if she prepares a small cake for him, God will provide her with enough flour and oil to last until God sends rain to fall upon the earth. The great faith of this widow is remarkable. By obeying Elijah, she acknowledges the authority of God. This situation makes me ponder: how would I or my fellow Theresians face a dilemma such as this. Would we respond with “great” faith? How about acknowledgement of the authority of God and complete trust? Hmmm…….. In today’s gospel, Jesus is teaching to the crowds. He observes that many rich people have put in large sums into the treasury. A widow comes along and puts in two small coins worth a few cents. (notice here, another widow, different story) Of course, Jesus who is all-knowing recognizes that the poor widow has put in more than the other contributors. For Jesus KNOWS what lies in the hearts of people. The rich people had contributed from their surplus wealth, but the widow had contributed ALL she had, her whole livelihood. She has withheld nothing just like the widow of Zarephath. But no promise of more provisions had been offered as in the first story. Here is our invitation to examine our lives. Do we give everything over to God? Not just financially, but also our time, talents, our worries, joys, prayer life? Are we just “talking the talk” or actually “walking the walk”. We must shine the light of Christ and share his love with others. A M E N Eileen Eskew, Petals of Faith, Jennings, LA Scripture Reflection: November 3, 2024, Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deuteronomy 6:2-6 Psalm 18:2-4,47,51 Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 12:28-34 Today readings encourage us to “fear the Lord” on Moses advise to the Hebrews. What kind of fear is that I asked. God is our Father, Who love us so much that send his son Jesus to show us the way of salvation. The path that will guide us to our Father’s Kingdom. Then, I realized that it is the fear of a heavy conscience that will prevent us to sleep, it is the fear of not obeying His commandments that we know was sent only for our wellbeing, growth and prosperity. The readings also reinforce the two most important commandments. First thru Moses and then thru God the Son Himself, our Pastor and Priest that leaves forever. The first is this: “Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD alone! Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. Take to heart these words which I enjoin on you today." The second is this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." Great! The path to Heaven is set in front of us, we just must follow it. However, how difficult it is! Loving God is to follow His commandments All the time, no excuses and no subterfuges. And how to love my neighbor like myself, even when they can go completely against all that I treasure as must sacred? The response comes from David at his Psalms “I love you, Lord, my strength.” and “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” God, Father and Creator, alone is the only One that will give us strength to stay in the “path” and one day be in His presence. We just celebrate All Saints Day Friday and All Souls Day Saturday. The Saints understood and demonstrated that it is possible to follow the path Jesus lay down for us. May they intercede to God in our behalf, so we will be able to follow their footsteps. That we may have the courage as Joan of Arc, determination as Saint Fracis, humbleness as Therese of Lisieux, strength as Theresa of Calcutta and love as Saint John Paul II to complete our personal journey of daily obedience to God’s will. That our beloved departed found that they complete their path and are ready to join the saints in the presence of God The Father, God The Son and God The Holly Spirit. Cheers and blessings, Consuelo de Souza Silva, East Valley and North Mountain, Arizona |
November 2024
Theresians International
PO Box 487 | Elburn, IL 60119 |