Sunday Scripture - Reflection for August 4, 2024![]() Scripture Reflection: August 4, 2024 – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Exodus 16:2-15 John 6:24-25 What is that? What is that?" The child's voice broke the silence of the congregation that was focused on the Priest who was holding up the Host during the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass. After reverently placing the Host back on the altar and genuflecting, the priest stood up and looked out at the congregation. He said, "I have to stop for a minute. I'm sure everyone heard the child just now. What you may not know is that in Hebrew the word MANNA means 'What is this?' That child yelling out just now was prophetic! This is Jesus, our Manna from heaven!" After he said these words to the congregation, the priest attempted to begin reading the Eucharistic Prayer once again. He started with so much emotion and at one point had to stop because he was holding back tears. At that moment, I began to truly hear the power of the words of the Eucharistic Prayer. The child's question broke into my internal, wandering mind as the Eucharist Prayer was being spoken, "What is this?" Once bread and wine; THIS is the real presence of Jesus Christ! I am grateful for the prophetic child's voice crying out during mass reminding me to ask the question, "What is this?" every time I go to mass. My faith response and my belief...THIS is Manna from heaven. THIS is the real presence of Jesus Christ! Sara Fontana Wildflowers Community League City, TX Photo: The Real Presence - welded art sculpture by Ralph Guidroz, Sara Fontana's father
November 2024
Theresians International
PO Box 487 | Elburn, IL 60119 |